
The necessary warnings for proper usage.

The prudent finds it easy to distinguish the true and false. Their words oppose each other. Of these two that which is the true and honest, Indra protects, and brings the false to nothing.
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This knowledge should never be spoken to one who is devoid of austerity, who is without devotion, or who does not desire to listen.

Offerings to the deities and to the ancestors must always be given to a Srotriya alone. For gifts bestowed on a man unacquainted with the Veda, reach neither the ancestors nor the deities.

The reward of a gift offered to a person who is not a Brâhmana is equal to the value of the gift, those of presents given to a Brahmana twofold, to a Srotriya thousandfold, to one who knows the whole Veda endless.

If the action be in harmony with the moral and physical laws of the Vedas, then the reaction which comes back upon the actor will bring that which is good,–peace, rest, fortune, health, and happiness.

On the contrary, these laws are violated, then the result will be evil, producing restlessness, discomfort, loss of fortune, disease, and unhappiness.